Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

I got in my first two miles of 2018 this morning. The temperature was minus 3 and the real feel was minus 18! Man that's cold!

But it doesn't really feel that bad when you're dressed properly. I've really been digging the wool stuff lately. And I recently bought some Smartwool tights. They keep my legs nice and toasty even in these frigid temperatures.

I have been having a little trouble keeping my toes comfortable though. I've been trying the plastic bag in the shoes trick I'm not sure it's doing much good.

So let's review my 2017 resolutions. One was to finish a half marathon. And I finished my first at the Garmin Marathon in April and my second at the Kansas City Marathon in October.

I had a really great time training for and running both of those races. And I can't wait to do more!

My second goal of the year was to get down to 12 percent body fat. During the year I kinda just forgot about that goal because I was so focused on the running, and I stayed right around 18 percent the whole year.

Just after Thanksgiving I decided to make a hard push for that 12%. Today was my last weigh in of that plan, and I am down to 15.9 percent.

It does make me happy to see those numbers, but that 8-week plan was rough. And I simply had higher hopes for it.

So what are my goals for 2018? Well here they are ...

First is to finish a full marathon. I've got my sights set on Kansas City next October.

Second is to stay fit and keep running. I love this sport, and I can't imagine what it would be like to have to stop.

Third is still that elusive 12 percent body fat. I'm going to go back to my regular training and eating plans, but I'm still going to be shooting for that.

Hope you all are well, have a great New Year!

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