Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January miles

I can't believe it, 77.8 miles for the month. The training is starting to ramp up!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 4 half marathon training

This week I've been reading about fueling during my long runs. I tried some Hammer gels a while back just for fun, and they didn't sit well on my stomach. So I ordered some of these Honey Stinger gels and I really like the taste of them.

I finally got around to putting a front basket on my bicycle. I really like baskets for getting groceries and such.

I found a series on YouTube called "Yoga with Adrienne" and she has a runner-specific workout. It's very nice and I try to do it once or twice a week.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week 3: Half marathon

This week I got sick of having troubles with my Garmin heart rate strap giving me inaccurate readings for the first 8-10 minutes of a run so I bought a tube of BuhBump electro cream and that seems to be doing the trick. No more drop outs at the beginning of my runs. Also I learned that those little patches on the back of the strap are important parts as far as contact with my skin is concerned.

I also ordered myself a new SPI Belt. I really enjoy my first one, but I wanted something with some fuel loops. Also this one is supposed to be water resistant. I'm not a fan of finding my expensive phone covered in sweat after a run, we'll have to see.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Half marathon training week 2

Winter in Missouri can be a little ... temperamental. Long-sleeves one day, short the next. Then on to full on winter gear! LOL!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Week 1 half marathon training

The first week of half marathon training got off to a cold start. We got a little bit of snow and frigid temperatures to go with it!

And I won a prize pack from Monica at RunEatRepeat which I got in the mail. Can't wait to try all this stuff out!